HEY, I'M Amaury Franssen

Web Developper

About Me

I'm Amaury Franssen

A Web Developper

Based in Avignon, France

I opened a new fulfilling path in my life through web development, working in Glanum digital agency.

Tech Stack


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This project aims to initiate my learning of the React JavaScript library. It was designed by first following a course to lay a good foundation in React and then, little by little, I moved away from the course outline. This project focus on the theme of healthy eating. My motivation for designing this project is Michael Greger's site Nutrition Facts. He is one of the doctors who warned of the dramatic consequences of Western junk food.

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Chat app

A school project created with other students in 2024. I designed some backend functionalities using Golang and most of the react js frontend. It was an interesting project as I learn to create Golang as API MVC style app and API routes, a React Js frontend using these Golang API endpoints and, last but not least, real time communication using websockets through gorilla Golang library and native websockets utilities in JavaScript.

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Project created in 2022, a game in which you travel through a world devastated by global warming: your mission is to find something to save your own world, our planet earth. It was a school project : we had to use HTML/CSS and vanilla JavaScript, with no other technology involved. So we created a game with a scenario that emphasizes eco-responsibility. The word “Mirror” should be understood in this way: the game's planet is a mirror of our own in a hundred years' time. Check out the Github repository to find out more about the game's design and what it has taught us.