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How to send emails in a React App using EmailJS - Full Tutorial

Learn how to integrate EmailJS with React to send emails directly from your web app without a backend server. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to set up EmailJS seamlessly....

GPT-4o mini new model

How does GPT-4o mini do with programming an app?

The newest GPT-4o mini model just launched from OpenAI and I wanted to test it out. So in this article you'll find how the mini performs when it's asked to program a simple app....


The 10 Best CMS For NextJS: Comparison Guide

Looking for the best content management system (CMS) for your website built with Next.js? Our detailed comparison guide will help you understand the important features, advantages, and disadvantages of each option. Whether you're a developer looking ...

Django vs Flash

Django vs Flask: Which one is right for you?

Choosing between Django and Flask can be challenging, but this article will make it clear. We'll compare both framework's unique features, pros, and cons. Whether your next project is large or small, you'll be confident in picking the proper framewor...

How To Add ESLint To A React Project

How To Add ESLint To A React Project

Adding Linting rules to a React project is must when it comes to improving code quality, making code more consistent and avoiding bugs. There is a popular open-source JavaScript linting tool called ESLint, which is used for automatically detecting in...


Angular vs NextJS: Which one to choose?

Angular vs. Next.js: Pick the best web development framework. Check out our in-depth analysis of unique features, pros, cons, and recommendations for high-performance and complex apps....


All 22 JavaScript Array Methods Explained with Examples

Whether you need a refresher or are learning JavaScript make sure to review all of these helpful 22 array methods today....

Firebase Auth + Next + Tailwind

How to Setup Firebase Auth with Next.js 14: A Complete Guide

Learn to integrate Firebase Auth with Next.js 14 for use authentication. This guide offers practical examples of Firebase Authentication backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app. Combining it w...

5 Traits of a Senior Software Engineer to Level Up As a Junior Software Engineer

Junior to Senior Software Engineer: Helpful Tips

The difference between a Senior and a Junior Engineer goes beyond the number of years of experience. The way they think and work are completely different. I’ve narrowed it down to 5 traits based on observations, so let’s dive in....

How To Learn JavaScript in 4 Weeks

Learn JavaScript in 4 Weeks: Beginners Guide

Learning JavaScript for the first time is hard, especially if you don't have a clear plan. Many learners just pick up bits of information here and there from blogs and YouTube videos. This slows down learning, and leaves you with lots of gaps in your...


How to Setup Firebase Firestore with Next.js 14: A Complete Guide

Learn to integrate Firebase Firestore with Next.js 14 for CRUD operations. This guide offers practical examples for managing real-time data effectively....


How to use Shadcn UI with NextJS and Tailwind CSS

Shadcn UI is a library that you can use to create dynamic components. In this tutorial we’ll learn how to quickly setup Shadcn for any Next.js 14 project with Tailwind CSS. At the end you’ll learn how to build UI components like the login component b...

Vite vs Nextjs: Which one is right for you?

Vite vs Nextjs: Which one is right for you?

Vite and Next.js are both top 5 modern development framework right now. They are both great depending on your use case so we’ll discuss 4 areas: Architecture, main features, developer experience and production readiness. After learning about these we...

Why All Software Developers Need a Portfolio Website

Why All Software Developers Need a Portfolio Website

A one page resume can only tell so much. A portfolio site however is able to showcase more of your skills and achievements leaving a lasting impression on recruiters, hiring managers and even clients....

Using Next.Js 14 Server Actions

How to use Next.Js 14 Server Actions

A Server Action in NextJS is simply an asynchronous function that runs on the server whenever a form is submitted. It allows you to run the code directly on the server....

Next.Js 14 with Supabase

How to use Next.Js 14 with Supabase

Next.Js provides a solid foundation for building React applications with server-side rendering, while Supabase offers a scalable and easy-to-use backend-as-a-service with PostgreSQL as the database. ...

How to send emails using Next.js 14, Resend and React-Email

How to send emails using Next.js 14, Resend and React-Email

Communication with your users is really important and emails are an important part of that. In this article we will learn how to send emails using Next.js 14, Resend and React-Email. We will be using the latest features Next.js 14 like the app direct...