Software Development is more competitive than ever. If you don't have a portfolio website showcasing why they should hire you then you're hurting the chance of getting hired. Having skills is the 1st step but being able to show that is the 2nd step. Here are some tips and a checklist for anyone creating a portfolio website for the first time or looking to improve their exsiting one.

The Aesthetics

Website Design

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

First impressions matter in portfolio websites just as it matters for interviews. The design should be simple and easy on the eyes. People have short attention spans and don't have time to wait for animations and scrolling down for minutes to digest everything.

Pro Tip: Portfolio website should be scannable.

Highlight Relevant Skills

Don't be that person that lists every language, library or tool that they've used. Unless you're really using them frequently and/or know them really well then you should probably skip it.

Pro tip: Don't list everything that comes to mind, list the most relevant.

Listing so many things might help with the ATS and get your resume through based on keywords but it could actually backfire. I've heard of too many stories where candidates get question on a tool that they have no clue but it's written on their resume/portfolio website. Just keep in mind that everything you mention is open for questions.

Having Testimonials

Testimonials are so powerful but so underutilized. Most hiring mangers will have a final reference check to verify with past employers and clients. Well if you can show proof from real people up front that will build more confidence in the hiring manager and see you as a stronger candidate.

Pro tip: Make sure to have 3 or more testimonials to stand out

Showcasing Your Projects

Completed Projects

Don't just link to a Github and expect them to take the time to read and look through your code. Instead make sure your projects are first and foremost completed and if possible live somewhere either as a real demo or a video demoing the project.

Pro tip: Remove the login screen or provide login/password upfront

Summarize the Project

Most people are seeing your projects for the first time so give them a great one line summary. This can be in the form of a problem/solution or user story which will help get the point of the project quickly.

Some other things you can do are:

  • list out the key features you are proud of
  • challenges you had to overcome
  • main technology stack
  • link to demo

Pro tip: Blogs are a great way to showcase the depth of your skills and interest

Contact Information

In today's world no one just has one way to contact. Aside from emails and social links the one thing a personal portfolio site allows you have is a direct contact form.

This contact form will go directly to you (usually to your main email) and anyone that contacts you this way is probably really interested in you.

Pro tip: Having a contact form makes it easier to contact you


Having the skills is not enough, showcasing skills and presenting yourself professionally is. If you're interested in a tool that will help you create a technical portfolio in minutes without worry about hosting and writing any code try out: MyDevPage

With MyDevPage you can create a live portfolio website in under 1 minute.

MyDevPage handles everything and more:

  • Update easily on the go from your phone
  • Beautiful Portfolio Website
  • Useful Website Analytics
  • Simple Customization
  • Control over SEO
  • Custom Domain
  • Contact Form

Try it out today (it's Free!) 👉 MyDevPage